The Soul level expression of Aries is about remembering and embodying the Soul Self. Remembering the Great I AM, not as an identification with the personality self (the egoic Self), but as the experience of the infinite expansion of the Soul, as a unique but multifaceted expression of Source consciousness.
Relationships can be sacred ground, where we enhance each other and grow into more of who we are. Where we come together in full alignment and the sum is bigger than the parts. However, relationships can also be where we lose ourselves and our true essence in exchange for security and companionship. Where we settle to escape the pain of childhood and to seek comfort (often unsuccessfully) for our attachment wounds. In these cases relationship becomes a space in which we abandon our true self and sometimes even our true path. And it can even become a place where we sell out a part of our Soul.
For this reason, every so often the Soul will call us back home. It will call us back to examine if our relationships are aligned with our true Self. It will push us to leave behind that which is unhealthy but comfortable. It will push us to leave behind people we think we need, but who are really there to show us areas in which we need to heal and strengthen.
This call to examine our relationships vs our true Soul Self is the higher function of the North Node in Aries. We are collectively being called to examine how our relationships help or hinder our Soul’s path. Is traveling with another still in alignment with our Soul development, is the necessary give and take of relationship still for the highest good.
Sometimes during these times, the Soul will rip people out of our lives. Know that when this happens the Soul is getting very serious about its growth. Its calling us back to our Authentic Self, without compromise. And it is calling us to heal all within us that binds us into compromise in the first place.
If this is happening to you, heed your Soul’s call, and cooperate with your own evolution.
Much love
Katie Gallanti, PhD is a multidimensional healer, teacher and published writer in the field of healing, psychology and metaphysics. She specializes in energy clearing and guided activation work, helping people stay clear and connected to their highest multidimensional aspects, so that they can bring maximum light into all facets of their lives, work and soul mission, for the benefit of all beings.