Most health issues have an energy component. Some are 100% rooted in energy blocks in the etheric body, chakras, and meridians, blocks that often stem from present and past life blockages that can be shifted and cleared, partially or in full, with energy work.
In my remote health sessions, myself and my healing teams, clear your energy and then specifically work on clearing the energy roots of the health issue you are dealing with. Often my teams will also channel information through me to assist you in getting better.
As part of our health sessions we will clear your field and chakras and main energy points first. We then scan the health issue at hand, and use energy clearing and pranic healing techniques plus direct interventions from the many healing teams I work with to shift the physical issue at hand.
These sessions are done remotely, with email notes or audio notes sent after the fact. Health sessions cost $250 for one health issue, add $75 for each additional health issue, with a maximum of three health issues per session. If you have a pressing health issue, I recommend working on that issue only, so you get more focused attention on the issue at hand.
Disclaimer – I am not a licensed physician nor a licensed health expert. The clearing, healing and guidance given during these session are not intended as a diagnosis or treatment for any health issue or disease. All information given is given for entertainment purposes only. Always consult a licensed physician or health professional when dealing with health issues of any kind.
If you cannot afford a physical healing session or if you prefer to work on your health on your own, myself and my teams have creatd a series of guided processes that you can do on your own following recorded meditation based healing processes, guided by me and my teams. For Physical Issues specifically, you may benefit from Volume 1 of the Healing and Activation Series. It costs half of the price of a physical healing session, and you can repeat the process as many times as you like.