Tomorrow, April 20th 2024, we will have a Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus at 21 49 degrees.

Jupiter is considered a great benefic that brings luck and good fortune. However it is also a big gas giant that expands and amplifies whatever planet it conjoins with. For Jupiter more is better, but more is not always great in astrology. It depends on the energy of the planet that is being amplified, the aspects that that planet makes to the other planets on the day of the conjunction, and on the aspects between that conjunction and the planets in a person’s natal chart.
In tomorrow’s conjunction the planet being amplified is Uranus in Taurus. So let’s take a look at both Uranus as a planet and at Uranus in Taurus specifically.
Uranus in Taurus
Uranus is a planet that brings sudden flashes of insight, sudden change, abrupt shifts, out of the blue flashes of genius, as well as eccentricity, revolutionary ideas, rebellion, social upheavals, the drive towards freedom and revolutions. Uranus also rules electricity, lightning, flashes of unexpected energy. It also rules technology, innovations, and all things futuristic. In the sign of Taurus, where it is now, it is linked to revolutionary ideas and technology in Taurean fields such as money and finances (digital wallets, digital money, cryptocurrencies, blockchain, etc), food (lab grown meats, GMO foods, insect farming, etc), agriculture (changes in farming regulations that have been the trigger for the current farmers rebellion across the world). It is also associated to earthquakes and volcanic activity.
The Jupiter Uranus Conjunction

Both Jupiter and Uranus have been in Taurus a while, Jupiter has been in Taurus for almost a year and Uranus has been in Taurus since 2018, so not a new kid on the block. The two meeting together, however, is significant. On the plus side, all things Uranus in Taurus will receive a boost, and the area in your chart in which the conjunction lands will also. On the downside, all things Uranus will receive a boost, even the negative things. For example, earthquakes, earth changes, big abrupt unusual weather. We have already seen a surge of this with the big storm that just hit Dubai and the quakes in Taiwan and Japan.
On a personal level, if you have planets or points around 20 21 22 23 of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), the conjunction will affect you directly and the jolt of Uranian energy can either be lucky and expanding or sudden and disruptive. Whatever form it takes it will trigger change and getting out of ruts in the areas of the planets affected. It may also bring inspiration and lots of newness in the areas those planets. If you have planets and points around the same 20 21 22 23 degrees in the Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) the changes will be experienced more smoothly and effortlessly. Look at your chart at all planets in said signs between 20 and 23 degrees, as these will be more strongly involved. I only count one degree orb for transiting planets, I know some people use wider orbs, but I find 1 degree is plenty especially when outer planets are involved.
The Other Planetary Players Of The Day

Now the Jupiter Uranus conjunction is not operating in a vacuum. There is a powerful chart happening at the moment of the conjunction, which contains still some remnants of the eclipse energy that we have just been through on April 8th. Clusters of Aries and Pisces planets are still there. Chiron is still in the mix. So let’s look at the other players in the chart.
The Aries Cluster

North Node, Mercury, Venus, Chiron and Eris are still all conjunct, with a rapidly approaching Mercury North Node conjunction, Venus Chiron conjunction, and Chiron Venus Eris conjunction, meaning that in the days following the Jupiter Uranus conjunction all these planets will cross over each other and become exact.
This is a very active and powerful Aries cluster. At the personal level we are looking at wounds around money, love and self-love coming up for healing, and then soon after we will be looking at how we do conflict and stand up for ourselves in the middle of a challenged mercury retrograde communications. Sounds a bit explosive, but it’s all about healing and about how we navigate dynamics. At the collective level, something similar will be occurring.
My sense is that we will see an escalation of war talk, and maybe even actual war, but the persistent presence of Chiron in the mix makes me feel that this is a collective healing crisis in which a big energy zit we all have been sitting on for a while will come to a head, with some resolution and healing as it unfolds into the future.
The Pisces Cluster

Saturn Nessus Mars and Neptune are all conjunct by midpoints – Abusive drives are still in the air. Nessus and Mars are still together, creating the drive to do bad things, with Saturn restraining that a little and maybe even bringing a touch of karma to bad actors. All the while, Neptune is also in the mix, creating a whole bunch of confusion and maybe even lies. On a collective level, once again, this points to the coming to a head of a big karmic zit. Although all may seem confusing for a while, this is will ultimately a good thing in the long run.
Quaoar, Pholus and Ixion

Also interesting, in the chart is an exact conjunction of Quaoar and Pholus. Pholus is all about synchronistic or purpose/awakening driven events and Quaoar is about losses that become the seeds for new creative ventures and new higher chapters of life. So the planets here are saying that there is a consciousness expanding drive to our current affairs and that events that look like losses, have purpose, and will turn into new chapters. And this applies to both the collective and to individuals. If you have 9 to 11 degrees Cardinal planets and points in their charts (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn…especially the Capricorns) this may affect you directly. Ixion is also relatively close to this duo, which suggest some maverick and possibly criminal energy also entering the chat, as far as the trigger events are concerned.
Just to add a bit more fuel to the fire, Pluto and the Sun are also square each other adding some intensity and death rebirth energy to the mix.
The Energies Will Continue To Unfold
Keep in mind that, although we are looking at the chart of the exactitude of the Jupiter and Uranus conjunction, many of these energies have been around for a few days and weeks and will continue to be around for a few days/weeks after the conjunction is exact. In fact as we roll forward a bit further, Jupiter will make a conjunction with Sedna, which may add some further trauma energy to this concoction. This is just a snapshot of the planets, as they are now, but the energies will continue to play out for at least a few weeks.
Countries and Leaders Are Also Involved
Also, I was listening to Steve Judd’s YouTube today, and he pointed out that Israel, Palestine and many other countries have prominent placements at 21 degrees Taurus and 21 degrees Fixed, as well as many world leaders. So many countries and leaders will be pulled into this energy. Which will further bring the energies into the collective.
I am sure there is much more to say, as there is a lot going on in the sky right now, but this is all that is popping at me for now…
Sending love and blessings

Article by Katie Gallanti, Healer, Teacher, Writer. Copyright 2024. Feel free to share, but please include this copyright byline, with website link included.