So lets a talk about this eclipse.
Eclipses (solar and lunar) happen twice a year, so nothing unusual about that. Astrologically, they often have to do with endings and new beginnings. And the effect of the eclipse energies are usually seen to last about 6 months. Astrology wise, eclipses are also linked together by eclipse cycles, which can stretch over many many years. I am not a huge eclipse cycles expert, so I will leave that part at that.
Today is a solar eclipse. Solar eclipses are a time in which the shadow of the moon darkens the sun. If it darkens it completely we have a total eclipse and if it darkens it partially, a partial eclipse. The total eclipse happens only on the path of totality, which this time around goes from North West Mexico, through Texas and up diagonally through the center and east of the USA. I cant remember if it goes through any part of Canada. I think it goes through the far north east regions, but I could be wrong.
Astrologically, this eclipse is a biggie because aside from the usual Sun Moon conjunction, we also have Chiron exactly conjunct the eclipse degrees. We also have a wider conjunction from Mercury, which is also retrograde. Sun, Moon, North Node, Chiron and Mercury are all clustered together between 15 and 24 Aries, and the eclipse degree and the midpoint of this Aries stellium are all at 19 degrees Aries.

If you have anything around 19 degree of the cardinal signs and specifically between 16 and 23 degrees of cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), it is likely that this eclipse will affect you personally – and that there will be some kind of ending / new beginning that will be both a cause of pain and healing. You may be driven to re-examine the past (Mercury retrograde), and look at wounds/traumas to the self that are still affecting you (Chiron in Aries), and bring healing to these areas. Over the next few week and maybe 6 months you will find resolution with all of the above. As many will be personally pulled in by the eclipse degrees, this will be a big group past trauma re-examination and release, leading to healing for the self and all. Also, note, that the eclipse ruler is Mars, which is currently conjunct Saturn in Pisces. To me this indicates that doing this, at least initially may be hard work and/or it will require commitment.
At the collective level, often planetary energies manifest in more concrete terms. Aries represents war, aggression, forceful action. This forceful action is associated with a wound but also with healing. Talk of war is in the air, and with Mars and Saturn in Pisces, something may be happening that involves water, sea, oceans, waterways, and/or chemicals, poisons, gases and I think Pisces also covers viruses, sickness, so there may be some of that too. Need to check. Writing this post on the fly.
If events of this kind do transpire, remember that Chiron is in the mix here as well as the North Node, meaning that events are ultimately about healing and forward movement of the collective human Soul. Alongside the re evaluation of Aries type trauma at the collective level (possibly a rethinking of war as a collective method, like really, why do we still do this?). In the long run, all that is occurring right now is about elevating consciousness, even if it means walking through some kind of present or past trauma to get there.
Something within humanity is seeking to heal at a deep level. The past few years have been very challenging and the collective is seeking to evolve to the other side of many thousands of years of shadow. Those that are aware of collective shift processes, understand that we have been involved in humanity shifting collective processes for several decades, and that we are heading deeper and deeper into the peak of the collective shift. At the moment this process is like a boil housing toxins below the surface, that is getting bigger and bigger and closer and closer to popping. This is where we are and have been for a while and I feel this eclipse signals the beginning of the pop. Many can feel this, at the unconscious and intuitive level, which is why this eclipse has received so much attention. Its not just sensationalism, we are progressively thinking as a collective Soul and this group Soul intuitively knows what’s up.
Also note that Jupiter is approaching Uranus in Taurus. In about ten days that configuration will be exact, another popping energy. I am expecting April to be eventful both personally and collectively.
If you want to engage with this eclipse energetically, see the meditation at the end of this post for an energy active simple guided meditation/process.
In general, intend that all that is needed for our collective evolution occur easily, swiftly and in ways that are for the highest good of all, as in alignment with the will of each Soul, Humanity’s group Soul, the planetary teams and Source. May our collective boil pop in ways that benefit all.
That will be all for now
Much love and blessings
Katie plus Councils
Global Solar Eclipse Meditation

Happening at 11 18 am Pacific/12 18 pm Mountain time/1 18 pm Central time/ 2 18 pm Eastern time, at the moment of the total eclipse. If you are late or doing this later, ask for your energy contribution to be added to the whole retroactively.
Since the path of totality is over the USA, a particular focus on USA, and shifting USA on its highest and most conscious path. We can add in the whole of North America too (MX, USA, Canada).
Meditation window last approximately 20 minutes and millions of people around the world are doing this meditation.
Giving you a brief guideline to follow.
Ground yourself into the Earth, connect your crown to Source and ask for the strongest available protection. See yourself surrounded by a gold egg of Source light impenetrable by any kind of discordant force. Do this a couple minutes before starting the meditation and fill your whole egg with gold and white source light.
See the network of light formed around the earth by all light workers that are engaged in this meditation. Together receive more light from Source and strengthen this network of light.
Send light to the Earth and the whole collective family of humanity. Flood the Earth with Source light, trusting that all the light codes needed for the Earth and humanity at this time, will be contained and transmitted via said source light.
Intend that this light be used for the anchoring of the highest and best timeline, for the acceleration of the consciousness shift and for the birthing of the new Earth. May this light may also be used to shift the leadership and people of all countries, with a special focus on North America, into its highest and best form for the facilitation of said shift.
Invite also into the earth, many Source level angelic guardians and ask them to help clear and shift all the remaining dark and dense energy that is no longer for the highest good. Do not engage with this energy, only with the angelic guardians and source.
Sit in the energy of Source and receive yourself the transmissions needed for your own evolution and shift and self healing path.
And so it is.
Keep it simple. No politics. None of us know what form is best for our collective shift, just focus on the energy and receiving and transmitting light.

Article by Katie Gallanti, Healer, Teacher, Writer. Copyright 2024. Feel free to share, but please include this copyright byline, with website link included.