Welcome to The Reconnection Series!
The Reconnection Series is a twelve-volume series of meditations and processes in MP3 format. In each volume you will find a set of four meditations/processes, aimed at establishing reconnections to specific aspects of being and consciousness.
In each volume you will connect with a variety of aspects of your own self and with beings beyond the veil.
You will connect with aspects of yourself that are beneficial for your own process of self-healing and with ones that operate at a higher level of consciousness, such as your higher self, and multidimensional aspects.
You will also be connecting with beings in the higher dimensions. Some of these beings will be personal to you, such as your guides and helpers, while others will operate mostly at the collective and evolutionary level, such as galactic beings and planetary councils.
The intent of this series is that of 1) Empowering and expanding your being as a high Soul in an Earth body and 2) Empowering and expanding the work you came here to do.
As you reconnect to your highest aspects (often forgotten once in incarnation) and as you link up with guides and higher dimensional teams, you will find that your awareness and consciousness will increase dramatically. You will form alliances with high beings, who are eager to assist you with your personal life and with your soul’s purpose. This will help you actualize your Soul Mission and further the reach and effectiveness of your true Soul’s work.
The reconnection series is organized in a series of volumes of four meditations each, dedicated to connecting with particular aspects of self or specific sets of beings. There are twelve volumes in the series. Volumes will be added as the meditations are recorded. Check this website www.katiegallanti.com regularly for new added volumes.
In this first volume of meditations, you will be exploring our connection to our guides and teams of helpers.
Meditations in this Volume
- Connecting with your Personal Guides
- Connecting with your Soul Mission Guides
- Connecting with you Star Guides
- Connecting with the Planetary Teams
The purpose of these meditations is 1) To link you up, in a conscious manner, with all the beings that you are working with at this time and 2) To assist you in also linking up with new and more advanced beings and teams that can expand you and your mission.
Most people, especially starseeds, are connected to guides and teams, but they often have no direct experience of the beings they work with. Making the connection conscious and establishing communication with our guides and teams will give you tools and information that will accelerate your evolution and step up your work and mission in important ways.