The Healing and Activation Series, is a series of energetically active meditations/guided processes, in which myself and my healing teams will be assisting you in healing and activating many aspects of your being, from the cellular level, all the way to your Soul and Monadic expressions. The series is organized in volumes, Some volumes in the series will be stand alone processes, others may contain four processes or more.
There are many volumes currently planned for this series. They will be published on this page as they are ready. Right now, you will find here Volume 1, which is about clearing and healing the physical, emotional, and mental bodies; the etheric and light bodies, the Soul and the Source bodies. Future volumes and processes will either build on this foundation or go more specific, tackling more granular aspects of the physical and non physical being. New processes should be added once every six weeks, if all goes to plan. A small booklet with brief explanations about each process and needed knowledge required for this work, will be included in each volume.
All guided processes are energetically active, with healing and clearing that occurs in real time, at the moment of listening. The meditations are, essentially, a way to call to you my healing teams, who will work on you, shifting your energy, each time you engage in this work. My healing teams and I have been working on clearing, healing and activating individuals for more than twenty years. During this time we have developed deep knowledge and skill in assisting people to shift and heal issues at many levels, and rapidly. We are now offering a way for people to engaging in clearing, healing and activation processes on their own, allowing my teams to work on them directly.
As part of this series, there will be processes, aimed at shifting a variety a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual/metaphysical issues. You can repeat the recorded processes as often as you like. My teams work on you, each time, in the moment. Every time you engage with these processes, your experience will be unique to that moment, with direct healing interventions, aimed at assisting you with that issue in present time.
It takes a lot of time to create these meditations ( recording, editing, booklet The processes are prices so as to be accessible to most and the moneys go towards creating further materials and works. As such, we ask that you do not make copies of these meditations for others and that you do not re-post them anywhere online. If you want others to benefit from this work, direct them to buy their own copy, so that this work can continue to be created. Thank you for respecting this works’ copyright and respecting the integrity of this work.
DISCLAMER – The above meditations and processes are not intended as medical or psychotherapeutic interventions. If you have physical, emotional, or psychological issues that need attention, make sure to consult a licensed physician, psychiatrics or therapist.
The first volume of the Healing and Activation Series is a foundational volume in which you will be guided through an energetically active meditation/process in which you will have the opportunity to clear, heal and activate, your physical body and energy bodies. Specifically this volume contains the following processes:
- Healing the Physical Body
- Clearing the Emotional and Mental Bodies
- Clearing, Repairing, and Activating the Etheric and Light Bodies
- Clearing and Activating the Soul and Source Bodies
You can repeat these processes as often as you like, focusing on a variety of issues, or revisiting the same issue, if the issue is hard to shift.

In this second volume of the Healing and Activation Series, you will be working on clearing dense and dark energy and building energetic protection, using four energetically active meditation/processes; and a one hour long healing session, which is purely energetic in nature.
Through these processes, you will have the opportunity to clear your energy field, your physical body, your chakras of dense and dark energy, that you may have accumulated as a result of psychic attack, dark side interference, or simply as a result of being human during a time of great planetary turbulence.
The healing teams that will be assisting you during this volume are groups of galactic, universal, cosmic and angelic beings, who specialize in all aspects of dark energy removal. In some processes we will also be working with Source directly. These processes are powerful and effective energy active sessions, which you are free to engage in as often as you need.
Specifically this volume contains the following processes:
- Clearing Dense and Dark Energy from the Energy Fields
- Clearing Dense and Dark Energy from the Physical Body
- Clearing Dense and Dark Energy from the Chakras
- Clearing Dense and Dark Energy from the Energy Circuitry, Building Protection
- Extended One Hour Long Healing Session (for More Complex Dark Energy Issues)
The intent of this volume is that of providing you with energy active healing processes via which you can keep your energy whole and clear, at all levels of your being, on an ongoing basis. Our intent is to assist as many people as possible in becoming clear and protected, during this last phase of the timeline shift, during which the clash between polarities is magnified.