Feeling guided to share a few thoughts about our planetary situation, today, October 19th 2023, after several months of planetary pre shift upheaval.
Just be aware that, as I have said many times since 2019, a big exodus of Souls will occur at the end of the timeline, just before the shift. As such events such as disasters, weather events, illnesses, war, etc. are to be expected at this time. Some of these events, although created by the dark forces, are still being allowed to occur, so as to facilitate this Soul exodus.
There are also many Earth realities that need to be seen for what they truly are, so that a large chapter of Earth history can be wrapped.
As such these events also serve the purpose of focusing light on shenanigan’s of various kinds, with the purpose of bringing truth to light.
Unfortunately its becoming harder and harder to have objective conversations about many of these topics, as the level of polarization is at an all time high. This is because the collective consciousness is splitting, between humans that are going to continue in the new and high consciousness Humanity Timeline (what people call 5D Earth) and another group of humans that will continue to learn the lessons of duality elsewhere.
Gaia has in fact decided that she will no longer house a duality reality on any dimensional expression, so the only timeline that will remain here is the higher vibrational reality timeline (5D Earth) and the Souls that have mastered that level of consciousness. The other group of Souls will be leaving, over a relatively short period of time, and will reincarnate in another polarity world that is not Earth. Earth itself was the polarity world many Souls reincarnated into to complete polarity lessons that Souls needed to continue to experience after the Orion Wars, for example.
Until we get to the shift points these two group consciousnesses are going to coexist and will also likely continue to clash, as they see reality very differently and align with very different forces, consciously or unconsciously.
Note that many align with the lower realities unconsciously, as they have not mastered their discernment tests. So you can have people who think they are batting for the higher vibrational team, but they are not, because they cant discern truth.
Being able to discern between light and dark, truth and untruth, is part of the timeline tests, because it shows if the nature of polarity has been fully understood or not. As such people with low discernment will continue to incarnate in the polarity worlds, until they develop discernment, i.e. a clear understanding of the nature of polarity and a clear understanding of how to rise above it.
Remember that all Souls that are here on Earth now did sign up for these “timeline tests”, they did want to learn these things, and at the Soul level, they do want to continue learning and incarnating in the polarity worlds, if they did not master things here this time around. Believe it or not, as challenging as Earth life has been in the past decade or so, this has been a great opportunity for advancement for many Souls. And some Souls have met their own advancement goals and some have not, and that’s ok.
At the Soul level there is no judgement about any of this, just stages in soul development and soul learning and groups of Souls at different points in their evolutionary journey. And it would be very beneficial for us to also adopt this no judgement stance towards our fellow humans, wherever they are on their path, even if, we do, at the same time, still have to continue to make personal choices that advance us in our own trajectory. Some of these personal choices also include separating from some people who are no longer matching our current vibration and soul direction. Note however that these separations can happen quietly, peacefully and without judgment or drama, in many cases. As such, stay on your path and become the observer, with detached compassion. And do your very best to not get sucked into polarity dramas, such as this is right, this is wrong and conflict based on polarized ideologies. Stay in your heart, observe, stay centered. And know that if you are meant to be on this planet, you will be safe, no matter what is happening around you. Nothing is random at this time.
Having said this, play with todays meditation, and assist in shifting all that can be shifted, and align once again with the Source energy. As in the energy of Source we will always fine solace, wisdom, protection, safety and peace.
We meet to do this meditation as a group today at 5pm Central and tomorrow at 5pm UK time. And we will meet again in 2 weeks from now, at the same times, on Nov 2nd/Nov 3rd.Many blessings as always to all that participate in these meditations, may you walk in beauty, safety, love and with the ongoing protection of Source and your guidance teams.
Much love
Katie plus Councils
Katie Gallanti, PhD is a multidimensional healer, teacher and published writer in the field of healing, psychology and metaphysics. She specializes in energy clearing and guided activation work, helping people stay clear and connected to their highest multidimensional aspects, so that they can bring maximum light into all facets of their lives, work and soul mission, for the benefit of all beings.
Katie is also a planetary healer and planetary clairvoyant, who has been working with her councils to assist the planet and the lightworkers through the shift of the timelines that we are all engaged in at this time.