Personal Healing and Guidance sessions are intuitive healing and guidance sessions, aimed at helping you understand and shift pressing issues in your personal life, such as:
- personal issues
- inner blockages and challenges
- health issues
- psychological issues
- love and relationships
- divorce, custody issues
- relationships between parents, children, teens or young adults
- work, career and money
- relocations and moving home, city, state or country
- spiritual growth and general growth as a spiritual being
- next steps on the evolutionary path
- clarity or questions around Soul mission
- spiritual practice
- any other issue or situation you would like guidance and help with
Sessions prices – 30 minutes for 200 USD, 1 hour 250 USD, 75 minutes 300 USD, 90 minutes 350 USD. 50 USD for each additional 15 minutes. To book a session, contact me via the contact area, briefly outline the issues that you would like to tackle, and if the issues you are working with are ones I can address, I will contact you to set up an appointment.