Deep psychic research and energy clearing sessions are sessions aimed at shifting issues that you are dealing with in your life (any kind of issue: money, love, family matters, work issues, psychic and healing related issues, multidimensional matters- whatever is on your mind).
The sessions are carried out remotely, using my connection to my higher self councils, my clairvoyance and pendulum dowsing. During the sessions we:
- research and clear the root causes of the issue you bring forward for healing,
- clear all the baggage that your Soul allows us to clear associated with this issue (such as old karmic contracts, past lives traumas, Soul blockages, vows, chakra and DNA blocks, etc)
- provide whatever healing/upgrade/activation that is required (such as DNA upgrades, guides and councils upgrades, etc)
Prior to your session, I will ask you to send me via email a detailed explanation of the issue you are seeking to resolve and some information about you and your life. This information helps me get a full view of the issue you are dealing with so I can focus my psychic research more precisely. The research and clearing/healing work is then carried out by myself and my councils remotely. When the work is complete I will email you notes briefly reporting back on what has been cleared and upgraded. After which I am happy to respond to 1 or 2 brief follow up questions about the work. If you need to ask further or dig deeper (which happens as sometimes one issue leads to another or one may find another layer of issues to clear), I ask that you book a new session or make a phone appointment.
Psychic research and clearing sessions allow to clear a large amount of baggage in a small window of time. The sifts obtained will sometimes be instant and very noticeable, at other times, they happen gradually or just manifest as the emergence of new ideas on how to solve an old problem. If relationships are involved, the relationships may shift or gracefully exit from our lives.
Sometimes, however an issue will shift only to reveal another layer of deeper issues to clear. This is perfectly normal as it is common to find many layers to the onion that is us, as we travel on a deep healing journey. Know that each person receives the amount of shift that is most appropriate to their unique evolutionary path when receiving this kind of healing.
To schedule an appointment or to request further information feel free to use the form here.