I have been often on the radio talking about various aspects of our planetary experience. I used to co-host a show every other Sunday with Jay Pee (Jeremy Perron) on Dave Corso’s Wolf Spirit Radio, called Out of the Box, which was on the air for about two years (2012-2014). The show’s purpose was that of uncovering the esoteric dark and how it operates in the world, energetically and also in the 3D world, in current affairs, politics and entertainment. This was a very informal show, often lighthearted in tone, although addressing very dark material. At the beginning of 2015 I was guided to retire from this kind of radio work, because, as my guides said, I had seeded the information that needed to be seeded. I still have people who regularly email me about these shows, so I feel we did a good job 🙂
I have also been a guest of other radio shows, such as Freeman Fly an Jamie Hanshaw’s The Freezone, Chris an Sheree Geo’s Truth Frequency Radio, Robert Phoenix’s Free Association Radio, Roger Sylver’s Maxim Axiom Radio, Cariel Quinly’s Heartlink Radio and more. At the time I did upload a few of these shows to my YouTube channel, where you will find shows from 2012 to 2015.
Feel free also to check out the older interview archive below (2009-2012), where I covered a lot of material regarding light and dark polarity issues. For those interested in the dark esoteric aspect, both interviews with Mike Cavalli and Cariel covered a lot of ground. For those interested in the current affairs and mind control angle, check out the shows with Robert Phoenix. For those interested in just the metaphysical work, my interviews with Steve Nobel and Daniel Jacobs cover that angle. Also in the old shows with Dave Corso and Jay Pee and Roger Sylver, we travel further into the metaphysical material as applied to our current planetary situation.
The archive below is an old one copy pasted directly from my old site. Not all shows have stood the test of time, and there are also some dead links, which I may be able to re-upload, but expect this list to be pruned shortly.
Click on the link below for Out of the Box Show Archives & most shows between 2012-2014
Scroll Below for Archives of all other Shows and Interviews (2009-2015)
Nov 10th 2013
From our now ongoing show Out of the Box, hosted on Wolf Spirit Radio. Our focus here was on changes in working agreement between YouTube and Google Plus, Google digital monopoly, its implications, transhumanism and common purpose.
Google, Transhumanism and Digital Evil
Oct 26th 2013
The fifth episode of our now ongoing show Out of the Box, hosted on Wolf Spirit Radio. Our focus here was on the occult aspects of the entertainment industry, the agenda behind it, MK ultra, Monarch programming, Miley Cyrus and the pornification of youth, Russell Brand and the agenda.
Mass-Mind control, Miley Cyrus and Russell Brand
Oct 18th 2013
Katie on Truth Frequency Radio with Chris and Sheree Geo, talking about current trends in mental health, media, TV, energy field pollution, entities, energy clearing, the overall agenda, and more.
Mass Mind Programming and Energy
Sept 24th 2013
The fourth episode of our now ongoing show Out of the Box, hosted on Wolf Spirit Radio. Subject: timelines, psychic post 2012 visions, how do we create a new future.
Visions for the New World – Part 1
Visions for the New world – Part 2
Aug 24th 2013
The third episode of our now ongoing show Out of the Box, hosted on Wolf Spirit Radio. This show was about the collective consciousness, with a meditation by Jay Pay.
Collective Consciousness and Meditation
July 27th 2013
The second episode of our now ongoing show Out of the Box, hosted on Wolf Spirit Radio. This show was about the Royal Baby, the astrology of the Royal Birth, Bloodlines and Timelines.
The Royal Baby, Royal Esoterics and Bloodlines, Timelines
April 21st 2013
The first episode of our now ongoing show Out of the Box, hosted on Wolf Spirit Radio. The show is long and in two parts, posted below, we went over a deep analysis of the shift we are undergoing both from political and metaphysical perspective.
The Frequency Wars and Planetary/Solar Shift Dynamics – Part 1
The Frequency Wars and Planetary/Solar Shift Dynamics – Part 2
Dec 21st 2012
Katie on Wolf Spirit Radio, with Jeremy Perron, discussing solar galactic shift and all things 2012.
The Solar Galactic Shift and December 21 2012
Dec 21st 2012
Katie on Heartlink Radio with Cariel Quinly, discussing all things 2012.
The Hype and Truth of 2012
Sept 29 2012
Katie on Truth Frequency with Chris and Sheree Geo, discussing dark energy, entities and dark energy at the collective level.
Dark Energy and Dark Entities at Personal and Collective Level
Sept 14th 2011
Show with myself being interviewed by Dave Corso, Roger Sylver and Jeremy Perron on Dave Corso’s Wolf Spirit Radio. Intense show in which we delved into the metaphysics of the cosmos, the changes we are experiencing at the planetary level, multidimensionality and more…
Sept 14th 2011 Show
Round Table – July 29th 2011
A talk with several guests, including myself and Rebecca Jernigan, on Dave Corso’s PIG2 Round Table. We talked about dark energies, reptilian consciousness and dimensional shifts.
July 29th 2011 Roundtable
May 27th 2011
May 27th 2011 talk between myself, Katie Gallanti, and Robert Phoenix on Free Association Radio. Main topics: detox and consciousness, current severe weather anomalies, weather modification, tornadoes, Japan typhoon, astrology of USA food and financial crisis, mind over matter, planetary healing, visualizations, meditations, light and dark, consciousness shift…
Tornadoes of Consciousness
May 20th 2011
May 20th 2011 talk between myself and Robert Phoenix on Free Association Radio . Main topics: the 60s, the music industry, intelligence roots of 60s phenomena, connections with the occult, Charles Manson, Laurel Canyon, consciousness and more.
Music and the 60s: The Occult Story
April 29th 2011
April 29 2011 talk between myself and Robert Phoenix on Free Association Radio . Main topics: possible occult meaning of Royal Wedding dates, harnessing energy through public ritual, counter ritual, thoughts on weather, solar shifts, Earth consciousness cycles, etc.
The Royal Wedding: The Hidden Ritual
April 8th 2011
Myself and Robert Phoenix on Free Association Radio. Main topics: solar shifts, Earth consciousness cycles. Our joint talks starts one hour into the show.
Discussing The Solar Shift
March 18th 2011
My interview with Robert Phoenix on Free Association Radio , talking about Japan, consciousness shifts, my psychic astral experiences as a planetary energy worker, light dark esoteric issues, distortions of spiritual belief systems, etc. The show is two hours long, but you will find me as a guest in the last 75 minutes of the show.
Japan and the Solar Consciousness Shift
Jan 31st 2011
My interview with Robert Phoenix on Free Association Radio . Find the link to the 1 hour show here, with Robert and I discussing the situation in Egypt, uprisings around the world and movements in consciousness…
The Energy of Protest
Oct 10 2010
My interview with Robert Phoenix on Free Association Radio
Bridging the Light and Dark Gap
Sept 21 2010
My interview with Daniel Jacob on Reconnections Radio .
Metaphysical Chit Chat with Daniel Jacob
July 29th 2010
My interview with Jeremiah Duncan from PIG Radio. We talked about the nature of light and dark, the dark as catalyst for growth, multidimensionality, the pineal gland, meditation, etc. A guided meditation process for awakening the pineal gland in connection with the Source light was also included.
A Talk About Consciousness
July 4th 2010
My interview with Cariel Quinly from Heartlink Life Radio on our current reality – oil spill, global elite, Earth Grid Wars, power-sites, 2012, light & dark clash, occult and spiritual aspects of what is going on, ritual, consciousness, ascension, life/death, collective story, the Soul’s journey, humanity’s evolution, Atlantis and more.
The Oil Spill and the Earth Grid
April 2010
My interview with Mike Cavalli from Vitals News Radio, UK on Atlantis; light and dark in Atlantis and today; collective karmic cycles; humanity’s evolution; the consciousness shift then and today; collective lightwork techniques; empowerment and enlightened activism.
Atlantis and Humanity’s Cycles
January 2010
My interview with Mike Cavalli from Vitalis News Radio, UK on the nature of light and dark polarity clash we are currently experiencing here on Earth; collective evolution cycles; the role of the dark side in evolution of consciousness; the demonic and exorcism; our role today in counteracting dark scenarios that we would rather not see manifest.
The Dark and Collective Evolution
December 2009
My interview with Cariel Quinly from Heartlink Life Radio on light dark, the power that be; metaphysics /energy work for shifting collective energy. In closing a collective lightwork meditation by me and EFT techniques by Cariel for shifting personal fear.
The Metaphysics of Light and Dark
My podcast interview with Steve Nobel, Director of London’s Alternatives, author of Freeing the Spirit and the Prosperity Game, on the role of the lightworker in a time of collective shift from dark to light.