North Node Aries South Node Libra
July 17 2023 – Jan 11 2025
Today, July 17th 2023, the transiting Nodes change from North Node Taurus/South Node Scorpio, to North Node Aries/South Node Libra.
The transiting Nodes of the Moon change signs roughly every 18 months. The Nodes represent the point where the Moon, which symbolizes our past experience (including past lives) crosses the ecliptic, the path of the Sun in relation to the Earth, which symbolizes our current experience and evolutionary orientation. In other words, the Nodes represent where the past experience of life crosses with the potential of the life path.
At a personal level, in a personal chart, the South Node represents our past, what is comfortable, what we have already mastered, but also what we do to an excess, what energy we may have overdeveloped or stayed in too long. The South Node also symbolizes our past lives and specifically, karmic energies that we have brought forward in this incarnation, from our past lives, that we wish to transform and evolve beyond. The North Node, on the other hand, represents the energy that we are wishing to move towards, the future orientation of the Soul, and the energy that the Soul is wishing to transform into when balancing the energies of the South Node.
The Nodes always travel in pairs of opposite energies. They are the yin and yang seeking to be balanced. The energy in any side of a polarity can become excessive and, as the Soul moves forward, it seeks to integrate the opposites, often swinging from one side of the other until a point of integration is found. A little like a pendulum gradually settles in the center, evolution always seeks integration in the balance between polar opposites, very much as is represented in the symbol of the Tao.
This is also so at the collective level. We are always evolving, moving through planetary and energy cycles as a collective family of humanity. We evolve individually, but also as a group consciousness. There are phases to human evolution just as there are phases to individual growth. The shifts in the energy of the nodes mark collective growth cycles that last 18 months at a time, in which all humans and the outer world itself are learning to balance a set of opposite energies. The energy of the North Node shows us where the arrow of our collective growth is pointed. The South Node energy shows us the energy that we as a collective are seeking to bring into a higher level via balance.
So, as of today, the North Node is moving into Aries and the South Node is moving into Libra. After 18 months of balancing Scorpio (intensity, power issues, sexual issues, shadow issues, life death and transformation) with the energy of Taurus (calm, peace, the natural world, but also issues regarding money, finances, possessions, the supply chain, the food chain, and even climate), we are moving into the balancing of the self versus relationships, individual needs versus the needs of the other.
The North Node moving into Aries indicates a time in which we look at the shadow side of Libra (relationships of convenience, codependency, excessive agreeableness, excessive compromise, the seeking of harmony at the expense of truth, etc) and seek to balance it by bringing our attention back to the positive aspects of Aries. Staying true to one’s self becomes center stage. During the next year and a half, we will be focusing on being more authentic to our true selves and on catering to our own individual needs, especially where there has been excessive compromise and an excessive focus on maintaining inauthentic or stifling relationships. This will also be a time in which we may see some legitimate anger seeking expression, especially in areas where we have been quiet just so we can get along.
This will be a time of action, as Aries and Libra are Cardinal energies, that like to take the initiative. With Aries in the North Node position, especially collectively, we may see initiative and action take place in current affairs areas which have been stagnant while the nodes were in the fixed signs. On the world stage things may even become a bit volatile, but likely in ways that are needed so that things that have been resistant to change may come to a head. In the Nodal shift ingress chart, the nodes are square Pluto. We are entering an intense time of deep transformation. In said chart, Pluto is also in the last degree of Capricorn, suggesting that even if Pluto will soon move back into Aquarius, as far as our nodal journey goes, Pluto in Capricorn themes of transformation of power structures and authority on the global scale will continue to play out during this phase of the nodal cycle. In the same chart there is also a new moon, indicating that we are entering a time in which something new can be born.
Wishing you all much easy and fruitful growth in your personal lives and relationships. And wishing us all many great collective shifts as we move deeper into this energy.
Copyright 2023. Katie Gallanti. All Rights Reserved. Feel free to share as a link to this blog or cut and pasted with this copyright byline with author name and website links included.
Katie Gallanti, PhD is a multidimensional healer, teacher and published writer in the field of healing, psychology and metaphysics. She specializes in energy clearing and guided activation work, helping people stay clear and connected to their highest multidimensional aspects, so that they can bring maximum light into all facets of their lives, work and soul mission, for the benefit of all beings.