I have a group on Facebook where we do meditations together every other Thursday, aimed at assisting our planet and humanity in various ways. Today, instead of a meditation we did an invocation, which is basically a request of support to the higher beings who help us at the higher levels, with our process of awakening and with our evolution here on Earth. I transcribed it, so people who want to add their energy to this, can do so. If you wish to join our group request it on FB here -> Planetary Shifters Facebook Meditation Group. Also posting here the link to the invocation, as I channeled it, for those that prefer audio: Planetary Invocation
Planetary Invocation – Edited Transcript
Today, instead of doing the usual meditation, we will be doing some requests for the planet and for the collective.
We will be using sovereign will to invoke assistance for the planet at this time and for ourselves and for the collective of humanity.
As incarnated beings onto the Earth and especially as incarnated lightworkers and planetary anchors, we have the right and the ability to request for help and assistance whenever it is needed.
At the moment, the planet is in a state of turbulence, most of the countries in the world are dealing with one set of problems or another, there is war in various places in the world, there are financial and economic difficulties for many, and there are also weather events of all kinds, with associated suffering, grief and property and infrastructure damage. At the same time, we are also receiving a lot of high -frequency energy from the Sun, the Galactic Core and Source that are preparing us for an imminent Earth and collective shift.
As you know, the shift has been kind of stuck in a loop for a number of years. We were actually supposed to shift much sooner than this, but for various reasons that I won’t go into right now, things have been slowed down considerably. However, we are now entering a period of acceleration. In fact, we are already in this acceleration phase and part of all of the turbulence that is going around in the world at the moment is connected to this acceleration, because, as we accelerate forward, we are also accelerating the rate at which the unprocessed or unseen collective darkness is surfacing, so that it can be seen, exposed and eventually healed.
Over the next weeks and months, this process will continue and the intensity will continue with it. We will likely experience some degree of turbulence and intensity right until the moment of the shift. In the middle of all of this intensity, and in the middle of the various crises that are currently occurring that are associated to it, some people have been struggling, and humanity as a whole has been struggling. Not only that, but there is an accumulation of planetary dense energy that is making things harder and more challenging for many people. We are also experiencing some minor wobbles in the timeline itself because there are opportunistic energies that are trying to interfere with the planetary shift process.
This has been an ongoing issue but it’s particularly strong right now.
Inviting Source and the High Councils of Light into Our World and Requesting Assistance
So instead of doing the regular meditation we are just going to be asking here for assistance from the highest expression of Source and all of the planetary teams that are helping us at the moment with this shift. And we are inviting them to intervene in our reality.
Our Invocations/Requests
First of all we are inviting them to remove this dense and dark energy, all energies of interference and all energies that are creating instability in the timeline.
We are also asking for a clearing of the collective emotional and mental body of humanity. We are asking that each human receives the clearing that it needs to maximize its alignment to Source and to the higher timeline, at this moment, to the maximum degree permitted by karmic law and in accordance with the will of each individual soul.
We are also asking for Source intervention on all of the situations on the Earth that need shifting at the moment.
We’re asking for maximum levels of intervention that are in alignment with the highest good of all and that are also in alignment with the highest and best future manifestation of humanity.
We ask that all of these situations be dissolved to the degree that is for the highest good, keeping in mind that some situations that may appear bad may actually be positive for evolutionary goals long -term. For example, there may be some situations that do need to come to a head so that certain positive resolutions then may transpire.
We ask that anything that is not in alignment with the emerging higher timeline and that is not in alignment with the highest good of humanity’s progress, be gently dissolved to the degree that is for the highest good of all.
We also ask that all darkness, all lies, all untruths, be made visible in a way that is for the highest good of all, at the fastest pace that can be integrated by all that are moving into the higher timeline now.
We also ask that the light of Source, and the light of the High Councils of Light that are assisting us in our current evolutionary process, be anchored into the Earth, be anchored into humanity and the human hearts that are
ready to receive it.
We ask that the light of Source be anchored and diffused into every atom and molecule of the Earth.
We ask that the light of Source be anchored into the core of the Earth.
We ask that the light of Source be anchored and that it may transmute all that needs to be transmuted within the Earth Core.
We ask that the light of Source be anchored into our world, so it may transmute all that needs to be transmuted into the Earth, the humans, the animals, the plants, the rocks, and all the elements of the Earth reality.
We ask that the light of source be anchored into each person’s DNA to the degree that is for their highest good, and we ask that a process of clearing and activation begin to occur for all at the DNA level, once again, to the degree that is for the highest good of each person.
We ask that the light and love of Source permeate all of the structures of the Earth, our economy, our governments,
our social structures, our supply chains, our food chain, our health systems, our medical systems, our businesses and business structures and every aspect of human life, so that they may be transformed and elevated into their best and highest expressions at this time.
We ask that all on the Earth be elevated, transmuted and then elevated again in an ongoing
loop of ascending energies and manifestations, to the degree and at the pace that is for the highest good of all.
We ask that if the incoming separation of timelines happen smoothly and swiftly for all, with each Soul moving into the timeline that matches its vibration at this time.
We ask that each one of us planetary shifters, lightworkers, starseeds, lightwarrior, be cleared, transmuted, elevated,
and activated over the next couple of weeks especially, but after that if needed, to the degree that is for the highest
good of Soul.
We ask that in general all lightworkers, starseeds, lightwarriors, receive the clearing and transmutation that they require in order to actualize to their full potential and so that they may contribute to the shift the way that they’re supposed to.
We ask that each light worker, star seed, light warrior be cleared and activated to the degree that is necessary for them to remember their soul contracts, remember their Soul mission, remember what they came here to do.
We also asked that every planetary shifter, light worker, star seed, light warrior be cleared of any contracts and agreements that are no longer for their highest good, so that they may be unburdened and so that they may proceed to do the work that they came here to do without unnecessary add-ons.
We also ask for comic clearing for every one of the planetary shifters, lightworkers, starseeds, lightwarriors, so that they may be as free from all excess baggage, as they can as they move into the last stages of the
And finally, we ask that each one of the re -shifters, lightworkers, starseeds, lightwarriors, receive, light,
love, healing, illumination, and full connection to their soul and source as they move forward into this journey.
And so it is.
Planetary Invocation Copyright 2024 Catherine Gallanti. www.katiegallanti.com. Feel free to share with link to original post and this byline included.