We all make projections into the future – we call them plans. Plans are important because they help us direct intention and energy – However, as they say, if you want to make God laugh, tell God your plans lol …Our Soul and Source often have very different ideas about what are the best options for us to take than the ones we concoct with our 3D minds…. As a result, detours of this kind happen with frequency 😉 In recent years also the timeline itself has been very wobbly. Collective futures have been unstable, shifting in and out of focus and changing widely as light and dark pull the collective in different directions, creating at times positive leaps forward and at others delays, detours and setbacks. This has had the effect of creating big swings in the direction in the world as a whole, and this has also been affecting our own individual paths, as our lives adapt to the wobbles in the collective probable futures.
When the cosmic plans and our plans do not match up, we can have “upheaval”: something happens that unequivocally turns everything we had planned upside down. If we were not attached to those plans, no big deal. But if we were invested in those plans – plans involving for example love bonds, marriages, important career goals – things that we had invested a lot of time and money into or that gave us some feeling of safety and permanence – then the “upheaval” can be painful. It can feel as if we have been ripped out of one reality in order to be placed in another. It can sometimes feel like we have lost a piece of ourselves in the process. Additionally we often don’t usually land in the alternative reality we are being detoured towards right away. So we walk around punch drunk for a little bit, wobbling around a bit confused for a short while, until Spirit very kindly shows us where we are supposed to go instead 😉 (hopefully lol)Â
Punch drunk times can be painful times, but they are also times in which we get to look closely at our lives. What works and what does not work; how we created a scenario and how not to create it again; how to create something new; or simply, how to find a new direction now that plan A has gone. A time for shedding skins and building new ways of being, it can be both daunting and exhilarating. And a great opportunity for creating new doorways and pathways at higher levels of consciousness from where we were before. Because each setback is, in truth, a call to going higher.Â
If you find yourself ripped out of your plans and pushed into “involuntary shifting”, honor your punch drunk transitions and “the void” that ensues, as an opportunity for deep healing. Embrace the transformative power of these times, so breakdowns may become breakthroughs 🙂 And allow for the new timelines, both personal and collective, to open and expand. Affirm that all change is good change and that you are open to transformation, new opportunities and new life. Above all affirm that you are open and surrendered to the highest manifestation of reality that is available to you at this time and invite into your life all the healing, people and tools that will help you get there. Invite the hand of Spirt ( your Soul, Guides and Source) into your life also to shine light on the new directions and pave the way.
On a less personal level, it is important to note that we are currently (April-October 2020) in a window of great planetary change, which I have been calling the Shift Window. Inner and outer structures are shifting and crumbling in preparation for something new and beautiful. The process however is not without growing pains, as not all on the planet have the same goals. Some groups of a devolutionary nature would rather all stay the same, gripping our world with an unprecedented level of control, seeking to block our ascent into a higher vibrational world. People’s lives are on pause, while freedoms are being restricted across the planet. Humanity as a whole, stopped in its tracks, is punch drunk, and many are looking for new avenues and new ways of being human and free, in the middle of much obstruction. The road blocks are creating a need to change plans fast and think on one’s feet about immediate new pathways and solutions. And this is then also accelerating the creation of higher collective futures for all.
While the events we find ourselves in are unexpected and disconcerting, on another level they present an opportunity for complete re-evaluation. Sometimes its only when things become chaotic that we look for new ways and approaches. Disruptions appear that trigger us to dig deeper. What kind of future will we create? What kind of world do we want going forward? And who are we going to allow to be in charge of the process? We are at a node with many crossroads. Some roads are higher than others, others lead to dark and blind alleys. The nodal crossroad is calling for our empowerment and the choices we make now are important to our shared new future direction. It is for us to collectively create and choose our next future and a personal path that aligns with it and matches is it in vibration.
Many will be guided to make unusual decisions in the following weeks and months, as we work on shifting our lives and timeline into the best and most effective configuration going forward. This is a time to embrace change both inner and outer. It is also a time in which to anchor into physicality the best and highest future of humanity, its societies and its structures, in ways that may be more radical than anticipated. Request that the highest and best future for humanity be accessible to you now, as well as all of the tools, knowledge, people and actions needed to bring it all into being. And request that you become part of that future.
As usual change starts with the self. As it is the action of each atom that eventually shifts the whole. May each atom of humanity find its new vibration and path with grace and ease 🙂 And even a little inspiration <3
Much love
Copyright 2020. Katie Gallanti, https://katiegallanti.com All rights reserved. Feel free to re-post, without altering content and inclusive of this copyright byline, author’s name and websites, links clearly stated.
Dear Katie,
You are a blessing for humanity …
So grateful to you for these precious revelations and guidance at the times when they are needed the most …
Much love and regards,
Thank you, Katie! Your words are more than eloquent. They gracefully and easily flow into my mind and heart, bringing peace and inspiration. Many many thanks and blessings to you!! Big hugs!!!
Thank you guys, glad the post resonated and uplifted a little during these interesting times xxx
always in good time