Besides healing the collective through embodying and transforming patterns, there are Souls within the Lightworker force that have incarnated with Missions of Service that entail transforming the energies of the Earth plane consciously and directly. This group of Souls, that I will be referring to as “Planetary Healers”, have incarnated with the task of clearing and healing the Earth and humanity through direct energy manipulation. If you, like myself, are one of these Souls, and many of you are, you will probably find that the following information resonates with you.
We, as humanity, are a large collective being. As such we have a collective energy fields that corresponds to the sum total of each of our individual energy fields. Just like a personal energy healer knows how to see and shift the energy within a person’s energy field, planetary healers know how to change and shift energy patterns within the collective energy field with their intention. Shifting the collective energy field is not difficult, especially when we ask for the support from higher dimensional teams. There are many high beings of light, in fact, that are assisting us at the collective level from the higher dimensions, who are masters at manipulating complex energy systems. With their help and with intentions that are aligned with the highest good of all, Planetary Healers can do wonders for the healing of the collective energies and consciousness. They can assist in shifting energetically many old collective patterns, expediting the process of collective change. They can also assist in times of turbulence, collective suffering and chaos, helping the collective field stay centered and on track. This in turn expedited the time it takes for a collective crisis to resolve.
Within this particular group of lightworkers, many have volunteered to be the anchor point for evolved teams of light. These lightworkers often have incarnated with the specific mission of being the energetic access point for the higher dimensional teams on the Earth plane. From their non-Earthly vintage point, the HD Teams support our collective shift by infusing our planet and humanity with powerful patterns of light. They intervene energetically to dissolve discordant collective energies, they assist in healing stress points in the earth’s energy field and more. To intervene, however, due to the Law of free Will, the HD Teams need to be asked explicitly by an Earth representative, incarnate in a body on this plane. Because of this many Souls have incarnated with partnership agreements with the HD Teams, agreeing to be their incarnated agent on the ground, open to receiving their guidance and willing to ask for intervention on their behalf when needed. These Souls are the HD Teams boots on the ground- so to speak- through which the away team, stationed on the higher planes, can do the energy work that the Earth plane requires.
Consciously assisting the Earth’s energy is not however, only the prerogative of Planetary Healer Souls. All Souls incarnated on the Earth plane have the right to call for assistance for humanity and the Earth, even if they do not have specific pre-birth contracts of planetary healing. In fact, as we move collectively into deeper and deeper levels of awakening, more and more Souls are being drawn to assist with shifting planetary energies through prayer, ritual, group meditations and visualizations. More and more are understanding that they can invoke higher dimensional help for the planet at any time. If you too would like to help in this way, as usual, all you need to do is ask. It is especially a good idea to request help during crisis times on the Earth, helping to diffuse chaotic energies in places plagued by conflict, natural disasters, epidemics, or any event that may stir the collective into fear, pain, panic or chaos. There are many areas of Earth experience in which we can consciously assist by requesting help. When doing so, however, it is wise to operate observing the following guidelines:
- When asking for help always ask for “the intervention of the highest HD Teams, from realms beyond polarity and in service to the True Source, and that are most suited to the task at hand”. Not all beings from other dimensions are helpful, in fact there are many impostor being posing as light and who thrive on the very energies we are aiming to counter, so it is important to be specific. We do not want to become the unwitting grounding cord for dark or chaotic beings from the lower dimensions. Asking for assistance in the way outlined above guarantees you access to the best and safest higher dimensional assistance
- When asking for help always add at the end of your request:“May this intervention occur only if it is for the Highest and Best Good of all concerned and in alignment with the Highest and Best Future Timeline for Earth”. From our Earthly limited perspective, we have no idea of the bigger picture and the consequences of our requests. It is best to operate within safeguards, to avoid interfering with processes that might have a positive higher purpose despite their negative appearance. For example, a crisis may be a catalyst for needed change and although negative in the immediate, may set in motion a series of events needed to create a much higher outcome a little further down the line. Operating with safeguards that make sure we are always working within parameters that are for the highest good of all, by the way, is what distinguishes a healer from a dark magician. Also it assures that we do not accumulate collective karma through our own limited knowing, a good but skewed perspective or our ego.
- Let the HD Teams do the energy work, do not do the work yourself. That means, especially if you are a healer, do not go into the collective energy and work the energy yourself, delegate to the HD Teams that you called to assist you. All that is needed is your request for intervention so that the HD Teams can help whilst still operating within the Free Will Law. As a general rule stepping into chaotic collective energies can be overwhelming to our incarnated energy fields and can cause emotional and health problems. Also during the past four years (2016-2020) the collective field has been consistently filled with dense energetic molasses and dark beings of all kinds, so it is especially important right now to not dive into the collective energy fields directly, so as to avoid getting slimed by the dark molasses. Imagine, also, interacting directly with the energies of the collective during events such as major earthquakes, wars, or worldwide calamities or upsets: all that pain and anguish and terror is often too much for a single incarnated being to tackle, especially if this is not one’s field of expertise. So, remember, preserve your energy field and delegate the work to the HD Teams. In fact, it is also a good idea, to ask to be made invisible and protected before you even start your work.
As long as you stay within such guidelines you can become a very useful tool for transformation in the hands of very skilled and evolved beings of light. During Earth’s challenging times, you can assist by asking for HD Teams intervention and provide very valuable assistance to our collective human family. And as you do so, you will also benefit from receiving the gift of the great light and awareness from the HD Teams for your own personal healing. True service is always a win-win for all involved.
May you continue to be blessed as you travel your own very unique path of service, in the way that brings most joy to your Soul. May you always know your own divinity, as a blessed spark of the Infinite Oneness. May you be blessed as you bravely and patiently grow and evolve, whilst assisting others in doing the same. May you walk in beauty and may you be bathed in the light of love at all times.

Copyright 2011 – 2020. Katie Gallanti, All rights reserved. Feel free to re-post, without altering content and inclusive of this copyright byline, author’s name and websites, links clearly stated.
Thank you Katie for your insight it is a tremendous help to receive this affirmation. . I am a planetary healer, I have been involved with removing blockages in the planetary grid for 6 years now. I work with the Council of 7, my dna is encoded with appropriate activity. I hope to be teaching a new generation of planetary healers by offering classes on my website which is currently under construction. Congratulations on your PhD,.
Thank you Glinda on PhD congrats…good to meet a fellow planetary worker. I know exactly what you mean as “encoded”, I am same. Envisioning you attracting many pure and advanced souls to your training, ready for the job. Sending love and blessings 🙂 Katie
Love this, re-read it all the time, neutralizes the thick static of the collective, especially during these times.