Big changes in the astrological weather in the past few weeks. Saturn in Scorpio is now direct, Jupiter has moved from Cancer into Leo, where it will reside for a whole year, and Mars has ended its long journey in Libra (7 months!) and has now transitioned into Scorpio, where it will stay until mid…
This Blog
The Node, The Timelines and The Two Earths
We are now approaching the time of the splitting between the two Earths. The decisions made now and the positive or negative soul orientation choices made now, will determine which vibrational version of Earth we will be residing on at the other side of the node, most likely in the next few years. The node…
The Cardinal Grand Cross and The Second Wave
Find here this April 2014 post as PDF April 2014 The Grand Cross and the Second Wave PDF
The Dark Forces, The Consciousness Streams and The Shift
Uploading this article as PDF, as it is easier. This is an article I wrote in August 2013, but did not publish at the time, guided to post it today. The Dark Forces, the Consciousness Streams and the Shift
Of Morality, Free Will, Purity and Creation
“Understanding natural law, the laws that are in place in creation and by which the evolutionary pace of the universe abides, means truly having conscience. That is the definitive knowledge of the objective difference between morally right and morally wrong behavior. Living in harmony with natural law is different from understanding it. It means exercising…
The Solar Galactic Field and One’s Personal Shift
Every time a new wave of light reaches the Earth plane, we have a double phenomena. First of all, the new frequencies lift all the stuff that is an energetic match to those frequencies into the air. This often creates a healing crisis both at the physical, psychological and multidimensional level, which manifests as issues…
The Earth, The Human,The Sun and The Shift
Although we are mostly aware of our being-ness in the 3D physical realm, human beings are energetic beings, whose vehicles are governed by the multiple sheaths of the DNA that contain the “construction codes” for the physical and energy bodies of which we are composed of, which span into multiple dimensions. As energetic beings, we…
The Cardinal Grand Cross and the First Wave
For a few years now I have been talking and writing about the Pluto-Uranus square. The two planetary giants have been and still are generating a potent crucible for change, through an interesting dynamic pull between authority gone wild and rebellion on fire, as they face off in the cardinal signs Capricorn and Aries. Pluto…
Of Forceful Will, Glamor and Celebrity Ego
You cannot force the river. Sometimes the river just needs to flow back to Mombasa … One of my favorite scenes in one of my favorite movies, Out of Africa, is the one in which, after years of trying to contain the flow of the river, redirecting it so that it would water their fields,…
Planetray Cycles and The Reboot of Civilizations
And here we are, once again, at the closing of another year. I am writing this newsletter on a particularly quiet Thanksgiving week, after a few relentlessly busy months, jammed packed with commitments. As I reflect on the closing year and the year ahead, I realize once again that we are living in very intense…