I began my own healing journey from trauma about twenty years ago and I have used and studied a variety of approaches to the healing of trauma. In fact my Master’s thesis in Psychology was a study on the effects of childhood trauma on various aspects of adult well-being.
Trauma however is often not an issue from just one lifetime. Many people, especially old souls, have experienced many lives in which they experienced or died due to traumas such as violent death, torture, rape, etc. The Soul itself can be traumatized, due to experiences that led to misunderstanding.
Then we also have trauma that people incurred, in past lives and present life, due to abuse and programming by negative forces.
Often all of these traumas overlap, stringed together from lifetime to lifetime, sometimes tied together with a theme, at other times more haphazardly. I call this string of traumas accumulated by a person during their incarnational history, the Trauma Track, and I have been helping people for several years in getting their trauma track cleaned up.
This is long range work, which with most people undertake over a period of time (although I have had a few sprinters that want to clear their track all in one go). Healing the Trauma Track usually results in a deep freeing from inner baggage at many different levels of being, after a period of integration. It also facilitates the descension of one’s full higher dimensional light, as its impossible for the Soul to anchor fully, until all the trauma imprints are cleared.
This work is intense, but many people find it interesting, as they become familiar with their journey as a Soul, their own reincarnational history, with the challenges that shaped them and the ones that held them back. Often people start to make sense of their lives and even of their reasons for being in a body on the planet, at this given time.
When working with the aftereffects of trauma one often needs to also work with sub-personalities and split offs that carry or are linked to the original incident(s)/event(s). I work with these sub-personalities and split-offs with a combination of guided visualization work, energy work and voice dialogue.
This work is not suitable for everybody and I can usually tell, intuitively, who is ready to explore these spaces. In general I tend to work with people that are stable and integrated on the physical plane, rather than people who are still in the throws of destabilizing flashbacks and moods, for which a mental heath professional is more suitable. As usual, contact me, and if I am not the right person for you, I will refer you to someone that can help you more specifically.
I wish you all well on your journey of healing … remember its a step by step process… and that one step at a time, sometimes with a series of practitioners rather than just one, you will achieve the healing and integration you desire and deserve
Much love
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