All the clearing and healing that we do as people on an evolutionary track is ultimately all aimed at coming back to wholeness and bringing into ourselves higher and higher aspects of our original being.
Every time we clear blockages, traumas, old patterns, old vows and karma, we become better able to hold higher light and more of our original light as a Soul and Over-Soul. There are also many old souls who are living on more than one dimension simultaneously, and as we become a clearer light , we are also able to connect with those aspects, bring them into consciousness and link them to the present incarnation.
Some of this occurs spontaneously as one evolves, at other times there can be a need for some guidance in making connections to these multidimensional aspects, connecting with one guidance team on the other side, or with clearing and energetic downloads that help people step up a level energetically. In fact one could say that, although this process is spontaneous, if one adds consciousness, effort and direction to the process, it speeds up, so one can bring in more light and more “Soul” in a more rapid way. Energetic DNA work and chakra work goes in parallel to this, I explain these things in different sections but in many ways all of these things are connected. Ina nutshell: clearing (of all kinds, including trauma and karma) helps raise vibration, which helps the higher dimensional aspects and bodies integrate in present time.
At the moment we are all going through this regardless, as the energies coming in from the sun and galactic field are very cleansing and activating, so most people on the planet are going through this process even if not all are aware of this in a conscious way.
Connection with Guides, Multi-Dimensional Aspects and the Soul
As part of this process, aside from assistance with clearing and healing, I offer people sessions during which we do some inner journey work to connect them with
- one’s multidimensional aspects
- one’s guidance team
- one’s Soul
- Source and Source Consciousness
Connecting with the Soul is a good thing to do at any stage, as the light of the Soul is highly conscious and making that connection in itself and bringing that light down into the body, in itself help to shift consciousness and perspective about life. The Soul perspective is always more evolved, more love based and clear.
A Soul perspective is particularly useful when dealing with relationships with significant others. I call this “Soul Relationship Work” and I have found this way of working very useful in my own life, so very happy to teach people who to connect with people Soul to Soul, so winning solutions can be found for all, if there is conflict, or so that a deeper knowing of the other and way to interact with the other may be found at the Soul level. As part of this work we can also look into the karma the two people share, clearing the old, both with energy work or regression work as needed.