The Riding the Financial Crisis Series is a series which will comprise between 8 and 10 installments addressing ways in which to create and maintain abundance and
opportunity during a time in which the collective energy is very chaotic and in a state of anxiety about all things financial and flooded with survival fears.
Unplugging from the Collective Energies
We are all plugged into the collective energies to some degree, as we are all part of the human group consciousness. It is however wise, especially during chaotic times, to unplug from the mass mind consciousness streams and find or even set a different flow. As we
do so we become energetic anchor points for humanity, finding new ways and creating new consciousness streams for others to follow.
Shift you Money and Abundance Consciousness
In this series you will find also processes and techniques aimed at shifting your money and abundance consciousness, so that it matches energies that are most appropriate for these
times. You will also find much higher dimensional assistance from the Creation Councils on the Cosmic Planes, whose intent is to support us in creating financial stability for ourselves, so that we may continue with our individual and collective Soul missions.
Raise your Frequency while shifting the Collective Grids
The overall intent of this series is that of providing you with ways to navigate turbulence and create joy and abundance, but also with ways to activate you and raise your vibration further, as the two go hand in hand in this chapter of the creation game. We wish you many blessings of peace love and abundance as you enjoy raising your vibration, while also supporting the energy shift of the collective energy grids of
money at the same time.
others or redistributing/republishing this work, in any medium, especially online (youtube, myspace, facebook, etc), without express permission
in writing from Katie Gallanti is not permitted at this time.
Derivative works Making videos, adding, modifying,
inclusion in other works or any other derivative work is not permitted for both free and purchased downloads.
Thank you for preserving the integrity of this material and for supporting our ability to produce it by abiding to these terms of use 🙂
All music by Michael Hammer,, wonderful and very talented musician, who has kindly consented to the use of his music in these recordings.
Riding the Financial Crisis: Part 1 – A very Brief Free Introduction Clip-
A very brief 3 minute free introduction clip to give you a feel for the riding the financial crisis series, introducing
the current state of the world from a collective financial energy perspective.
Riding the Financial Crisis: Part 2 – Detaching from the Collective Energies – $11.00
An introductory talk followed by two processes aimed at detaching you from negative collective energy streams regarding money
and matching your vibration with that of beings who are successfully modeling abundance on this plane.
Riding the Financial Crisis: Part 3 – Releasing Density, Opening to Opportunity – $11.00
A healing inner journey, during which you will clear old baggage at the energetic level that is blocking manifestation
and open to the infinite, drawing to you new vibrations and opportunities from the higher dimensions.
Riding the Financial Crisis: Part 4 – Downloading the Prosperity Codes – $11.00
A healing inner journey, during which you will be guided to activate your personal energy and download new prosperitiy
codes within your energy field, so that you may upgrade your enenrgy to the energies most needed for creating prosperity during these changing times.
Riding the Financial Crisis: Part 5 – Clearing and Transforming Statements – $11.00
A guided series of clearing statements, aimed at releasing baggage, vows and contracts from other lifetimes which are no longer in Soul alignment, followed by a new declaration of intent, to set the new energy of prosperity and abundance.
Riding the Financial Crisis: Part 6 – Enrolling a Manifesting Guide – $11.00
A guided meditation in which you will enroll a manifesting guide and have opportunities to ask questions, request assistance and receive support. You can repeat this meditation any time you would like help with something you are choosing to create.